Homework for Weeks 9 & 10

Wednesday 28 March 2018 No comments
Homework for Weeks 9 & 10 has been adapted, as we have two short weeks of school.  Please encourage your child to continue reading every night as well as participating in physical activity every day.  For mathematics homework we would love if the children would use their e-ako and Study Ladder accounts online.  For spelling, please revise the spelling words sent home this term.  The Spelling City website listed on the homework sheet is also an option to practise their spelling words.  You do not need to subscribe to this website, just use the free sample activities on the home page.  Thank you!

Super Hero of the Week #7

Thursday 15 March 2018 No comments
Congratulations to Tvishaa for being our 'Super Hero of the Week' this week.  Tvishaa works hard on all her learning tasks and is a very helpful and respectful student.  Well done Tvishaa!

Learning Support

Wednesday 14 March 2018 No comments
For those parents who are wanting to give their children extra learning activities at home, we have set up accounts for your children for both e-ako and Study Ladder.

e-ako is an online maths programme.  If you would like to learn more about it, please click on the following link: https://nzmaths.co.nz/information-about-e-ako-maths

To access e-ako the username is your child's name then gsns e.g nataliegsns and the password is Sch00l1! (capital S, lower case c, lower case h, number zero, number zero, lower case l, number one, exclamation mark).

Study Ladder is also an online programme covering many areas of the curriculum.  For more information, please click on the following link: https://www.studyladder.co.nz/help/faq?lc_set=

To access Study Ladder, please use the slip of paper given out at Learning Commitment Interviews or given to your child to take home.

Welcome to Mrs Smith

We would like to warmly welcome Mrs Cath Smith to Room 11.  Mrs Smith is now teaching the children on Monday-Thursday.  Many parents may have already met Mrs Smith in the classroom or at our recent interviews.  If you are yet to meet her, feel free to pop in and say hello.  You can also contact Mrs Smith via email caths@georgestreet.school.nz

Thank You!

A big thank you to all of the parents and grandparents who helped us with our swimming programme.  The children have made great progress with their swimming skills and we also learned how to safely walk to and from the pool thanks to you!

Super Hero of the Week #6

Sunday 11 March 2018 No comments
Congratulations to Teya who was our Super Hero of the Week.  Teya always follows the rules in our classroom and is kind to others.  Well done Teya!

Learning Commitment Interviews

Tuesday 6 March 2018 No comments
Mrs Smith and Mrs McCulley are looking forward to talking to parents about their child's strengths on Wednesday 14th and Thursday 15th of March.  You can book an appointment by going to https://www.schoolinterviews.co.nz/ Enter the event code 978q4 and press "Go".  You can then follow the prompts to make your appointment.

Super Hero of the Week #5

Thursday 1 March 2018 No comments
Congratulations to Sam who is our 'Super Hero of the Week'.  Sam is a fantastic role model in Room 11.  He has lovely manners and works hard every day.  Well done Sam!